Available Tracks
To listen to song SAMPLE, open the BOX that holds your title. Locate your song and click on PLAY arrow. A PORTION of the DEMO and TRACK will play. If there is a VIDEO listed, click on the WATCH VIDEO to view. ALL tracks are in the 1:30 format. You are only listening to a PORTION of the DEMO and TRACK. Full length demos emailed upon request.
NO DANCE tracks (other than those in the SOUND ALIKE folder) are legal for use in ANY STATE that requires SOUND ALIKE music. Just as the Miss America and the Volunteer America Pageants require. So, if you are a dancer DO NOT select any dance music that is NOT IN THE SOUND ALIKE Folder.
For COMPLETE Talent Wolfe Song List CLICK....HERE
Track Pricing
Existing tracks range in price from $175 to $400 depending on how many live players were used when they were built. (When originally recorded these tracks ranged in price from $750 to $1800) Just check with Bill on pricing for specific titles.
Multiple track purchase options
#1-Discounted price on the purchase of 1 to 3 tracks. Just check with Bill on the multiple track purchase price.
#2-use of 5 tracks for one year. $475. This is up to a $1500 value if you were purchasing the tracks individually.
**COMPLETE TRACK MP3's emailed the same day payment is confirmed**
Please Note: Existing custom tracks that are purchased are taken OFF the available list in your state and pageant system for ONE pageant season. Once purchase has been made the track is NOT re-sold IN your STATE, in that system, until after your state pageant. Meaning, if your state pageant is held in JUNE, your pageant season ENDS in June. Pageant seasons END with your state pageant. If you plan to re-use the same song for the next season, you MUST notify Bill immediately and also re-rent the piece for the following season. Otherwise the piece will not be held off the available list in your state and system. Existing tracks are PURCHASE AS IS. Unless working IN PERSON with Bill he does not make modifications other than key changes when available. You are WELCOME to make modifications to the track you have purchased.
Payment Options When Purchasing Music
Once Price has been confirmed with Bill:
1. Visa/Master Card/Discover/American Express
Provide CC info by Email or Phone (816-809-1582)
Email: talentwolfe@aol.com
CC Info Needed: Card #, Expiration, 3 digit, & Zip Code
2. PayPal
Go to Paypal.com
Go to SEND MONEY and follow instructions
Send Payment to: talentwolfe@aol.com
3. Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/talentwolfe
Venmo contact to send money: @talentwolfe (last 4 of phone number if needed: 1582)